Cloud Computing

Precision Code Studios
August 16, 2021

Cloud computing is quickly becoming one of the hottest trends in IT these days. No surprise here. The advent of cloud computing in the last decade has been truly transformative for many industries and various reasons. This blog post discusses what cloud computing is about and why businesses should consider making a move toward cloud.

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is the ability to host any technology service and to virtualize your environment on cloud services such as Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure. Before these options were available, companies would host their physical servers either on-premise or on a hosting company like Rackspace. Usually, that meant high cost and very little flexibility. With cloud computing, businesses can pay for only the resources they need. They don’t have to make a significant upfront investment and thus can focus on more critical problems rather than spending money and time maintaining old systems.

cloud computing

Types of Cloud Computing

There are three different types of cloud: public, private, and hybrid.

In a public cloud, all computing is hosted by the provider. Computing power and users can be added as needed. The provider serves many customers who share their resources with others on demand when required. Public clouds require less control by the customer but provide a lower level of security due to a lack of privacy.

The private cloud is used by only one company that may have numerous departments, units, and users. It can be hosted on-premises or in the data center of a cloud provider. Private provides a high level of security with resource control available at your fingertips.

In a hybrid cloud structure, businesses host their servers for business-critical applications while hosting the rest of them with providers. Hybrid clouds are beneficial because they give customers more security and control over resources than public ones do. In essence, hybrid is somewhere in between with both high-level controls along with some degree of user self-service functions that allow for greater flexibility compared to either type alone

cloud computing

The Value of Cloud Computing

To access the latest, most secured technology to power your applications, we recommended that you pick a cloud computing technology such as Azure or AWS.

Some of the significant benefits of cloud computing are:

  • Cost-effectiveness
  • Scalability
  • Security
  • Efficiency

Cloud computing made everything more accessible and efficient.  For example, cloud computing provides cost-effective ways of scaling up or down and the ability to turn on just about any service you need to operate your technology operations.

If you have a server on Azure, you can clone, scale-up, and down the resources on that server with ease.  Moreover, packed with great features, cloud services provide security components that proactively protect your environment and ensure incident management.

In addition, moving to cloud provides faster processing time and updating data records instantaneously with minimal downtime.  Avoiding downtime is especially significant when there are multiple strands of business operations in play simultaneously.

Empowering Business

Cloud computing engineers at Precision Code Studios have taken clients off traditional hosting to save money and provide a more flexible cloud environment that can scale as the business grows and changes.  With this solution, you get the latest technology and security without worrying about managing servers or data centers. Contact us for a free consultation on how our services work best for your company’s needs.



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