SQL and NoSQL Database Solutions

SQL and NoSQL Database Solutions

There are two major types of databases. These are relational (SQL) databases and non-relational (NoSQL) databases. Relational databases and non-relational databases are two very different types of database management systems. This post will discuss these differences...
Interview With a Software Developer

Interview With a Software Developer

We use all kinds of software daily. Yet, we rarely think of a software developer or a team of engineers who are behind these magic apps and other tech products. Who are they? What does their typical day look like? Why do they enjoy working with technology? These are...
Custom Software Upgrade

Custom Software Upgrade

No matter the industry, most businesses today need and use some software. When businesses expand, their demand for efficient software products grows as well. Unfortunately, not all companies realize that software needs to be upgraded systematically. Some companies...
Durable Skills for Software Developers

Durable Skills for Software Developers

Software developers are in high demand as never before. Whenever software vendors hire software engineers, they expect potential employees to be proficient in one or several programming languages, write clean, high-quality code, understand object-oriented principles,...
Mobile Learning and Mobile Apps

Mobile Learning and Mobile Apps

We live in an extraordinary world. Our daily lives are shaped profoundly by technological advances. Indeed, technology today impacts even the way we learn. We learn faster and in more convenient ways—such as with mobile learning apps—staying hungry for more knowledge...