Interview With a Software Developer

Precision Code Studios
July 26, 2021

We use all kinds of software daily. Yet, we rarely think of a software developer or a team of engineers who are behind these magic apps and other tech products. Who are they? What does their typical day look like? Why do they enjoy working with technology? These are just some of the questions we asked to learn about the fantastic software developers at Precision Code Studios (PCS). In this interview blog, we focus on one of them. His name is Rodrigo. Here, he talks about his love for technology and shares what makes his experience with PCS so unique and exciting.

software developer

Passion For Technology

Anna (Interviewer): Hi, how are you today? I am excited about our interview. Do you mind telling me a little about yourself and your interests?

Rodrigo (PCS software developer): Hi, I am good. Thank you. My name is Rodrigo. I am a software developer. I’ve been attracted to technology since I was a kid. I can say that I am pretty much a very technological person, that’s why I chose this career path. It just seemed logical to me. And I was also involved in technology through video games, which is the basis for many software developers. In terms of interests, I like listening to music. I listen to a lot of pop singers like Lady Gaga, Dua Lupa, and Shakira. I mostly listen to female artists, and I find them very talented.

Anna: Why do you think you’re so passionate about technology? What makes you so interested in this industry?

Rodrigo: Well, since I was very little, I was always curious about how things worked. And specifically, technology. When I was little, I was a kid always asking about technology and who built it. For example, I wanted to understand who made iPod and how.  I think technology is exciting. But more importantly, to me, it’s fascinating to develop the technology. It gives us access to a lot of things that we couldn’t do in the past. I’d say that’s what made me love technology in the first place.

children engineers

Typical Day As a Software Developer

Anna: We would like to know a little more about your typical day at Precision Code Studios. Do you mind telling us about it in more detail?

Rodrigo: Okay, yeah, I start my day at 7 a.m.  I go over our Trello board and the tasks that I need to work on or check if I have anything pending from the previous day.

Then I plan my day or start working on what I need to do. And then every day at 9 a.m. I have a sprint meeting with the team.  We go over what we did the previous day, what we will do the next day, and discuss any roadblocks or issues. We can ask if we need something from the team as well. After that, I work on everything that I need to accomplish.

Teamwork Is Crucial

Anna: You talk about working with other team members. Let’s go a little further. Tell me a bit about the resources that are available to you at Precision Code Studios. For example, if there’s an issue that you deal with, what do you typically do to solve it?

Rodrigo: Well, I’d say the first step for me is to search for information.  I see what people in the same field do if they have a similar issue.  It is kind of funny, but I’d say it is crucial for software developers to know how to Google. It’s one of the most critical skills and tools that we have at our disposal. If you know how to Google your problems right, finding a solution in software development is straightforward.  If you’re going to program something, there is a high chance that someone else has already done it. Maybe not exactly in the same way, but you are going to find a lot of help. Software developers’ community is constructive in that sense.

But then there can be times where we can’t find information ourselves. In that case, we can go to other team members, and maybe someone else has the same problem.  I say, well, I had this problem, and this needs to be solved. The team can help. In this career, we must work together.

team work

We can also get feedback from our CIO and CTO. I know they are available to guide me if I need them. I’d say we have an excellent team with plentiful resources. Working with the team hones my other skills that I need as a developers, from communication to customer-focused approach. I would argue that these skills are just as important as my coding experience.


Anna: It seems like you guys work together closely. You have other team members and CIO and CTO that provide you with feedback.  But I also want to know more about your code. How do you feel about it?

Rodrigo: The code that we develop at Precision Code Studios, I’d say, this part of my work is very organized. It is very structured. We have a base structure for our projects. Whenever we create a new project, we always have a basis from which we start.  This approach allows us to have outstanding support and foundation. It also allows us to manage our projects more efficiently. If a new software developer joins the team, it will be easy for them to understand the code. It’s well developed, and it’s well documented as well.

Anna: There’s a lot of structure and a lot of clarity.  That’s great. What other tools do you like to use when you work on projects at PCS?


Rodrigo: Before I start talking about specific tools, I think an essential tool that we have is our creativity. I’d say developing software is kind of like art, like music or films. Software developers have to be creative and very logical thinkers. That’s why I take logic classes, admin classes. They help me develop my ideas creatively but in an organized manner. To make efficient solutions, we need to be very creative with our solutions. We want the code to work fast so that our projects adapt and meet our clients’ needs.

And, yes, we have a lot of tools that we use. The most important one is Visual Studio Code. It’s where we develop all our projects. And it is a development tool that’s perfect for custom software development and where you can work with different technologies, like C#, Angular, and Java. It is a handy tool that simplifies software development process and makes it more efficient.

Also, I am a very graphic person. I tend to use a lot of visual interfaces. So, we use tools where we can see our graphics in a more presentable way. If we need to check information in the database, we use tools that help us visualize information more orderly. And we have to use version control. We use Git. It is accessible in a more orderly manner, and it is more efficient.

Thorough Reviews

Anna: Excellent. Thank you so much for your answer. You mentioned a little earlier that one of the parts of your day is to have sprint meetings, right? Can you tell me more about that?

Rodrigo: Okay, we have daily reviews, which are 15 minutes long. During these meetings, all team members get together, and then we talk about what we did the previous day. We go into detail about what we did. Then we discuss what we are going to do.  If we need to talk to someone on the team about something, we can do that. We can talk about any problems that we have or any issues that we have.

We also have another meeting. It takes place twice a month. During these meetings, we meet with the software development manager. We discuss our work. We get feedback on the job. And then, we can give feedback on the team and our projects. We talk about suggestions that we have for current or future projects. Those are the two types of meetings that we have.

Working Efficiently

Anna: How do you think these meetings help you meet the needs of your clients?

Rodrigo: I’d say they are very helpful. Thanks to these meetings, we have precise information and a more robust understanding of our work. It provides us with a specific roadmap or the features that we will develop.  It’s a very systematic way to manage the project. These meetings keep us on track.  We release features on time, and we meet the clients’ requirements on time. Being so structured helps us develop projects quickly.

Anna: Great, can you speak a little more about that? What helps you be more efficient with your work?

Rodrigo: I’d say the most important thing that makes software product development at PCS so fast is that we have very clear requirements for the projects. We work very closely with the clients and discuss all their expectations and needs. We have systematic meetings where we go over specific details.  We don’t lose any time wondering what the client may want. We already know precisely what the client wants.

development creativity

Unique Experience

Anna:  Then the last question that I have is about working at Precision Code Studios. How is that experience for you? 

Rodrigo: I’d say it is a very unique opportunity for me to work in a global company like PCS. It is an amazing software development company. What is incredible is that we have flexibility with the work that we do. This flexibility allows us to be creative and creativity adds to efficiency. I think that as a  software developer, I can be more efficient if I am more creative. I am glad that working here, with all the tech tools, being flexible, innovative, I can meet our clients’ expectations. I like working at PCS  because this company values flexibility, creativity, and efficiency. I definitely grow here in my career as a software developer.

Anna: Thank you so much, Rodrigo. It was a pleasure talking to you about your experiences and your work at PCS.  Thank you so much for your time. 

Rodrigo: Yes, of course. Thank you for this opportunity.



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